Source code for voronoi_utility

'''Author: Tyler Reddy

The purpose of this Python module is to provide utility code for handling spherical Voronoi Diagrams.'''

import scipy
    if int(scipy.__version__.split('.')[1]) < 13:
        raise ImportError('Module requires version of scipy module >= 0.13.0')
except AttributeError: #handle this for sphinx build process on readthedocs because of module mocking

import scipy.spatial
import numpy
import numpy.linalg
import pandas
import math
import numpy.random

def calculate_Vincenty_distance_between_spherical_points(cartesian_array_1,cartesian_array_2,sphere_radius):
    '''Apparently, the special case of the Vincenty formula ( may be the most accurate method for calculating great-circle distances.'''
    spherical_array_1 = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(cartesian_array_1)
    spherical_array_2 = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(cartesian_array_2)
    lambda_1 = spherical_array_1[1]
    lambda_2 = spherical_array_2[1]
    phi_1 = spherical_array_1[2]
    phi_2 = spherical_array_2[2]
    delta_lambda = abs(lambda_2 - lambda_1)
    delta_phi = abs(phi_2 - phi_1)
    radian_angle = math.atan2( math.sqrt( (math.cos(phi_2)*math.sin(delta_lambda))**2 + (math.cos(phi_1)*math.sin(phi_2) - math.sin(phi_1)*math.cos(phi_2)*math.cos(delta_lambda)  )**2 ),  (math.sin(phi_1) * math.sin(phi_2) + math.cos(phi_1) * math.cos(phi_2) * math.cos(delta_lambda) ) )
    spherical_distance = sphere_radius * radian_angle
    return spherical_distance

def calculate_haversine_distance_between_spherical_points(cartesian_array_1,cartesian_array_2,sphere_radius):
    '''Calculate the haversine-based distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. Should be more accurate than the arc cosine strategy. See, for example:'''
    spherical_array_1 = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(cartesian_array_1)
    spherical_array_2 = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(cartesian_array_2)
    lambda_1 = spherical_array_1[1]
    lambda_2 = spherical_array_2[1]
    phi_1 = spherical_array_1[2]
    phi_2 = spherical_array_2[2]
    spherical_distance = 2.0 * sphere_radius * math.asin(math.sqrt( ((1 - math.cos(phi_2-phi_1))/2.) + math.cos(phi_1) * math.cos(phi_2) * ( (1 - math.cos(lambda_2-lambda_1))/2.)  ))
    return spherical_distance
def generate_random_array_spherical_generators(num_generators,sphere_radius,prng_object):
    '''Generate and return an array of shape (num_generators,3) random points on a sphere of given radius.
    Based on: Muller, M. E. "A Note on a Method for Generating Points Uniformly on N-Dimensional Spheres." Comm. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 2, 19-20, Apr. 1959.
    And see:
    prng_object is a pseudo random number generator object from numpy used for pinning down the random seed (so that pathological random states can be avoided as needed).
    #generate Gaussian random variables:
    array_random_Gaussian_data = prng_object.normal(loc=0.0,scale=1.0,size=(num_generators,3)) 
    #I'm not sure if this is the proper approach, but try projecting to the sphere_radius (may want to check above literature more closely):
    spherical_polar_data = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(array_random_Gaussian_data)
    spherical_polar_data[...,0] = sphere_radius
    cartesian_random_points = convert_spherical_array_to_cartesian_array(spherical_polar_data)
    #filter out any duplicate generators:
    df_random_points = pandas.DataFrame(cartesian_random_points)
    df_random_points_no_duplicates = df_random_points.drop_duplicates()
    array_random_spherical_generators = df_random_points_no_duplicates.as_matrix()
    return array_random_spherical_generators

def filter_polygon_vertex_coordinates_for_extreme_proximity(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,sphere_radius):
    '''Merge (take the midpoint of) polygon vertices that are judged to be extremely close together and return the filtered polygon vertex array. The purpose is to alleviate numerical complications that may arise during surface area calculations involving polygons with ultra-close / nearly coplanar vertices.'''
    while 1:
        distance_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,'euclidean')
        maximum_euclidean_distance_between_any_vertices = numpy.amax(distance_matrix)
        vertex_merge_threshold = 0.02 #merge any vertices that are separated by less than 1% of the longest inter-vertex distance (may have to play with this value a bit)
        threshold_assessment_matrix = distance_matrix / maximum_euclidean_distance_between_any_vertices
        row_indices_that_violate_threshold, column_indices_that_violate_threshold = numpy.where((threshold_assessment_matrix < vertex_merge_threshold) & (threshold_assessment_matrix > 0))
        if len(row_indices_that_violate_threshold) > 0 and len(column_indices_that_violate_threshold) > 0:
            for row, column in zip(row_indices_that_violate_threshold,column_indices_that_violate_threshold):
                if not row==column: #ignore diagonal values
                    first_violating_vertex_index = row
                    associated_vertex_index = column
                    new_vertex_at_midpoint = ( array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices[row] + array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices[column] ) / 2.0
                    spherical_polar_coords_new_vertex = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(new_vertex_at_midpoint)
                    spherical_polar_coords_new_vertex[0] = sphere_radius #project back to surface of sphere
                    new_vertex_at_midpoint = convert_spherical_array_to_cartesian_array(spherical_polar_coords_new_vertex)
                    array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices[row] = new_vertex_at_midpoint
                    array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices = numpy.delete(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,column,0)
        else: break #no more violating vertices
    return array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices

def calculate_surface_area_of_planar_polygon_in_3D_space(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices):
    '''Based largely on:
    Use this function when spherical polygon surface area calculation fails (i.e., lots of nearly-coplanar vertices and negative surface area).'''
    #unit normal vector of plane defined by points a, b, and c
    def unit_normal(a, b, c):
        x = numpy.linalg.det([[1,a[1],a[2]],
        y = numpy.linalg.det([[a[0],1,a[2]],
        z = numpy.linalg.det([[a[0],a[1],1],
        magnitude = (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)**.5
        return (x/magnitude, y/magnitude, z/magnitude)

    #area of polygon poly
    def poly_area(poly):
        '''Accepts a list of xyz tuples.'''
        assert len(poly) >= 3, "Not a polygon (< 3 vertices)."
        total = [0, 0, 0]
        N = len(poly)
        for i in range(N):
            vi1 = poly[i]
            vi2 = poly[(i+1) % N]
            prod = numpy.cross(vi1, vi2)
            total[0] += prod[0]
            total[1] += prod[1]
            total[2] += prod[2]
        result =, unit_normal(poly[0], poly[1], poly[2]))
        return abs(result/2)

    list_vertices = [] #need a list of tuples for above function
    for coord in array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices:
    planar_polygon_surface_area = poly_area(list_vertices)
    return planar_polygon_surface_area

def calculate_surface_area_of_a_spherical_Voronoi_polygon(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,sphere_radius):
    '''Calculate the surface area of a polygon on the surface of a sphere. Based on equation provided here:'''
    spherical_array_Voronoi_polygon_vertices_before_filtering = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices)
    array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices = filter_polygon_vertex_coordinates_for_extreme_proximity(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,sphere_radius) #filter vertices for extreme proximity
    #theta = calculate_and_sum_up_inner_sphere_surface_angles_Voronoi_polygon(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,sphere_radius) #suppressing this calculation while I test the pure-planar SA calculation approach
    n = array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices.shape[0]
    #surface_area_Voronoi_polygon_on_sphere_surface = (theta - ((n - 2) * math.pi)) * (sphere_radius ** 2) #commenting the spherical SA code to test a pure planar algorithm approach
    surface_area_Voronoi_polygon_on_sphere_surface = calculate_surface_area_of_planar_polygon_in_3D_space(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices) #just use planar area as estimate, which may be quite appropriate with many of the failure /edge cases in any case
    if surface_area_Voronoi_polygon_on_sphere_surface <= 0: #the spherical polygon surface area could not be calculated properly (in the limit of large numbers of vertices and when vertices that are nearly co-planar are present this seems to be a problem)
        surface_area_Voronoi_polygon_on_sphere_surface = calculate_surface_area_of_planar_polygon_in_3D_space(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices) #just use planar area as estimate, which may be quite appropriate with many of the failure /edge cases in any case
    return surface_area_Voronoi_polygon_on_sphere_surface

def calculate_and_sum_up_inner_sphere_surface_angles_Voronoi_polygon(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices,sphere_radius):
    '''Takes an array of ordered Voronoi polygon vertices (for a single generator) and calculates the sum of the inner angles on the sphere surface. The resulting value is theta in the equation provided here: '''
    #if sphere_radius != 1.0:
        #try to deal with non-unit circles by temporarily normalizing the data to radius 1:
        #spherical_polar_polygon_vertices = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices)
        #spherical_polar_polygon_vertices[...,0] = 1.0
        #array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices = convert_spherical_array_to_cartesian_array(spherical_polar_polygon_vertices)

    num_vertices_in_Voronoi_polygon = array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices.shape[0] #the number of rows == number of vertices in polygon

    #some debugging here -- I'm concerned that some sphere radii are demonstrating faulty projection of coordinates (some have r = 1, while others have r = sphere_radius -- see workflowy for more detailed notes)
    spherical_polar_polygon_vertices = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices)
    min_vertex_radius = spherical_polar_polygon_vertices[...,0].min()
    #print 'before array projection check'
    assert sphere_radius - min_vertex_radius < 0.1, "The minimum projected Voronoi vertex r value should match the sphere_radius of {sphere_radius}, but got {r_min}.".format(sphere_radius=sphere_radius,r_min=min_vertex_radius)
    #print 'after array projection check'

    #two edges (great circle arcs actually) per vertex are needed to calculate tangent vectors / inner angle at that vertex
    current_vertex_index = 0
    list_Voronoi_poygon_angles_radians = []
    while current_vertex_index < num_vertices_in_Voronoi_polygon:
        current_vertex_coordinate = array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices[current_vertex_index]
        if current_vertex_index == 0:
            previous_vertex_index = num_vertices_in_Voronoi_polygon - 1
            previous_vertex_index = current_vertex_index - 1
        if current_vertex_index == num_vertices_in_Voronoi_polygon - 1:
            next_vertex_index = 0
            next_vertex_index = current_vertex_index + 1
        #try using the law of cosines to produce the angle at the current vertex (basically using a subtriangle, which is a common strategy anyway)
        current_vertex = array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices[current_vertex_index] 
        previous_vertex = array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices[previous_vertex_index]
        next_vertex = array_ordered_Voronoi_polygon_vertices[next_vertex_index] 
        #produce a,b,c for law of cosines using spherical distance (
        #old_a = math.acos(,next_vertex))
        #old_b = math.acos(,previous_vertex))
        #old_c = math.acos(,current_vertex))
        #print 'law of cosines a,b,c:', old_a,old_b,old_c
        #a = calculate_haversine_distance_between_spherical_points(current_vertex,next_vertex,sphere_radius)
        #b = calculate_haversine_distance_between_spherical_points(next_vertex,previous_vertex,sphere_radius)
        #c = calculate_haversine_distance_between_spherical_points(previous_vertex,current_vertex,sphere_radius)
        a = calculate_Vincenty_distance_between_spherical_points(current_vertex,next_vertex,sphere_radius)
        b = calculate_Vincenty_distance_between_spherical_points(next_vertex,previous_vertex,sphere_radius)
        c = calculate_Vincenty_distance_between_spherical_points(previous_vertex,current_vertex,sphere_radius)
        #print 'law of haversines a,b,c:', a,b,c
        #print 'Vincenty edge lengths a,b,c:', a,b,c
        pre_acos_term = (math.cos(b) - math.cos(a)*math.cos(c)) / (math.sin(a)*math.sin(c))
        if abs(pre_acos_term) > 1.0:
            print 'angle calc vertex coords (giving acos violation):', [convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(vertex) for vertex in [current_vertex,previous_vertex,next_vertex]]
            print 'Vincenty edge lengths (giving acos violation) a,b,c:', a,b,c
            print 'pre_acos_term:', pre_acos_term
        current_vertex_inner_angle_on_sphere_surface = math.acos(pre_acos_term)


        current_vertex_index += 1

    if abs(pre_acos_term) > 1.0:
        theta = 0
        theta = numpy.sum(numpy.array(list_Voronoi_poygon_angles_radians))

    return theta 

def convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(coord_array,angle_measure='radians'):
    '''Take shape (N,3) cartesian coord_array and return an array of the same shape in spherical polar form (r, theta, phi). Based on StackOverflow response:
    use radians for the angles by default, degrees if angle_measure == 'degrees' '''
    spherical_coord_array = numpy.zeros(coord_array.shape)
    xy = coord_array[...,0]**2 + coord_array[...,1]**2
    spherical_coord_array[...,0] = numpy.sqrt(xy + coord_array[...,2]**2)
    spherical_coord_array[...,1] = numpy.arctan2(numpy.sqrt(xy), coord_array[...,2])
    spherical_coord_array[...,2] = numpy.arctan2(coord_array[...,1],coord_array[...,0])
    if angle_measure == 'degrees':
        spherical_coord_array[...,1] = numpy.degrees(spherical_coord_array[...,1])
        spherical_coord_array[...,2] = numpy.degrees(spherical_coord_array[...,2])
    return spherical_coord_array

def convert_spherical_array_to_cartesian_array(spherical_coord_array,angle_measure='radians'):
    '''Take shape (N,3) spherical_coord_array (r,theta,phi) and return an array of the same shape in cartesian coordinate form (x,y,z). Based on the equations provided at:
    use radians for the angles by default, degrees if angle_measure == 'degrees' '''
    cartesian_coord_array = numpy.zeros(spherical_coord_array.shape)
    #convert to radians if degrees are used in input (prior to Cartesian conversion process)
    if angle_measure == 'degrees':
        spherical_coord_array[...,1] = numpy.deg2rad(spherical_coord_array[...,1])
        spherical_coord_array[...,2] = numpy.deg2rad(spherical_coord_array[...,2])
    #now the conversion to Cartesian coords
    cartesian_coord_array[...,0] = spherical_coord_array[...,0] * numpy.sin(spherical_coord_array[...,1]) * numpy.cos(spherical_coord_array[...,2])
    cartesian_coord_array[...,1] = spherical_coord_array[...,0] * numpy.sin(spherical_coord_array[...,1]) * numpy.sin(spherical_coord_array[...,2])
    cartesian_coord_array[...,2] = spherical_coord_array[...,0] * numpy.cos(spherical_coord_array[...,1])
    return cartesian_coord_array

def produce_triangle_vertex_coordinate_array_Delaunay_sphere(hull_instance):
    '''Return shape (N,3,3) numpy array of the Delaunay triangle vertex coordinates on the surface of the sphere.'''
    list_points_vertices_Delaunay_triangulation = [] 
    for simplex in hull_instance.simplices: #for each simplex (face; presumably a triangle) of the convex hull
        convex_hull_triangular_facet_vertex_coordinates = hull_instance.points[simplex]
        assert convex_hull_triangular_facet_vertex_coordinates.shape == (3,3), "Triangular facet of convex hull should be a triangle in 3D space specified by coordinates in a shape (3,3) numpy array."
    array_points_vertices_Delaunay_triangulation = numpy.array(list_points_vertices_Delaunay_triangulation)
    return array_points_vertices_Delaunay_triangulation

def produce_array_Voronoi_vertices_on_sphere_surface(facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation,sphere_radius,sphere_centroid):
    '''Return shape (N,3) array of coordinates for the vertices of the Voronoi diagram on the sphere surface given a shape (N,3,3) array of Delaunay triangulation vertices.'''
    assert facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation.shape[1:] == (3,3), "facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation should have shape (N,3,3)."
    #draft numpy vectorized workflow to avoid Python for loop
    facet_normals_array = numpy.cross(facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation[...,1,...] - facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation[...,0,...],facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation[...,2,...] - facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation[...,0,...])
    facet_normal_magnitudes = numpy.linalg.norm(facet_normals_array,axis=1)
    facet_normal_unit_vector_array = facet_normals_array / numpy.column_stack((facet_normal_magnitudes,facet_normal_magnitudes,facet_normal_magnitudes))
    #try to ensure that facet normal faces the correct direction (i.e., out of sphere)
    triangle_centroid_array = numpy.average(facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation,axis=1)
    #normalize the triangle_centroid to unit sphere distance for the purposes of the following directionality check
    array_triangle_centroid_spherical_coords = convert_cartesian_array_to_spherical_array(triangle_centroid_array)
    array_triangle_centroid_spherical_coords[...,0] = 1.0
    triangle_centroid_array = convert_spherical_array_to_cartesian_array(array_triangle_centroid_spherical_coords)
    #the Euclidean distance between the triangle centroid and the facet normal should be smaller than the sphere centroid to facet normal distance, otherwise, need to invert the vector
    triangle_to_normal_distance_array = numpy.linalg.norm(triangle_centroid_array - facet_normal_unit_vector_array,axis=1)
    sphere_centroid_to_normal_distance_array = numpy.linalg.norm(sphere_centroid-facet_normal_unit_vector_array,axis=1)
    delta_value_array = sphere_centroid_to_normal_distance_array - triangle_to_normal_distance_array
    facet_normal_unit_vector_array[delta_value_array < -0.1] *= -1.0 #need to rotate the vector so that it faces out of the circle 
    facet_normal_unit_vector_array *= sphere_radius #adjust for radius of sphere
    array_Voronoi_vertices = facet_normal_unit_vector_array
    assert array_Voronoi_vertices.shape[1] == 3, "The array of Voronoi vertices on the sphere should have shape (N,3)."
    return array_Voronoi_vertices

[docs]class Voronoi_Sphere_Surface: '''Voronoi diagrams on the surface of a sphere. Parameters ---------- points : *array, shape (npoints, 3)* Coordinates of points used to construct a Voronoi diagram on the surface of a sphere. sphere_radius : *float* Radius of the sphere (providing radius is more accurate than forcing an estimate). Default: None (force estimation). sphere_center_origin_offset_vector : *array, shape (3,)* A 1D numpy array that can be subtracted from the generators (original data points) to translate the center of the sphere back to the origin. Default: None assumes already centered at origin. Notes ----- Note that, at the moment, the code is using a pure planar surface area calculation instead of performing the spherical surface area calculation described below. This is because of the buggy behaviour of the spherical polygon surface area code and the generally more robust performance of the planar code for a wide variety of test cases. The accuracy of the planar surface area calculations will depend on the density of generators -- a high density should generally perform much better than a low density. Basically, it will be important to monitor the extent of reconstitution for specific cases when using the code in its current state. The algorithm depends on the important realization that the convex hull of the generators on the sphere surface is equivalent to the Delaunay triangulation [Caroli]_. The Delaunay facet normals are then equivalent to the Voronoi vertices on the surface of the sphere [Fortune]_. The fact that each Voronoi vertex is equidistant to at least three generators can be used to build an appropriate data structure associating Voronoi vertices with their contained generator. The calculation of surface areas for the Voronoi regions currently appears to be susceptible to numerical instabilities, which may in part relate to arc cosine operations. For example, sphere radii of 1.9999 or 87.0 are pathological test cases but radii of 2.0 or 1.1 are tolerated. In theory, the surface area of a spherical polygon can be calculated using the following equation [Weisstein]_: .. math:: S = [\\theta - (n-2) \pi]R^2 Where :math:`\\theta` is the sum of the inner angles of the polygon, :math:`R` is sphere radius, and :math:`n` is the number of polygon vertices. Unfortunately, as `n` approaches a large number of vertices and / or in the presence of nearly-coplanar vertices, the equation is susceptible to producing invalid areas :math:`\le 0`. In such cases, the algorithm falls back to a conventional surface area calculation for a planar polygon, as an approximation. References ---------- .. [Caroli] Caroli et al. (2009) INRIA 7004 .. [Fortune] Fortune, S. .. [Weisstein] Weisstein, Eric W. "Spherical Polygon." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. Examples -------- Produce a Voronoi diagram for a pseudo-random set of points on the unit sphere: >>> import matplotlib >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import matplotlib.colors as colors >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy as sp >>> import voronoi_utility >>> #pin down the pseudo random number generator (prng) object to avoid certain pathological generator sets >>> prng = np.random.RandomState(117) #otherwise, would need to filter the random data to ensure Voronoi diagram is possible >>> #produce 1000 random points on the unit sphere using the above seed >>> random_coordinate_array = voronoi_utility.generate_random_array_spherical_generators(1000,1.0,prng) >>> #produce the Voronoi diagram data >>> voronoi_instance = voronoi_utility.Voronoi_Sphere_Surface(random_coordinate_array,1.0) >>> dictionary_voronoi_polygon_vertices = voronoi_instance.voronoi_region_vertices_spherical_surface() >>> #plot the Voronoi diagram >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> fig.set_size_inches(2,2) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') >>> for generator_index, voronoi_region in dictionary_voronoi_polygon_vertices.iteritems(): ... random_color = colors.rgb2hex(sp.rand(3)) ... #fill in the Voronoi region (polygon) that contains the generator: ... polygon = Poly3DCollection([voronoi_region],alpha=1.0) ... polygon.set_color(random_color) ... ax.add_collection3d(polygon) >>> ax.set_xlim(-1,1);ax.set_ylim(-1,1);ax.set_zlim(-1,1); (-1, 1) (-1, 1) (-1, 1) >>> ax.set_xticks([-1,1]);ax.set_yticks([-1,1]);ax.set_zticks([-1,1]); #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>, <matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>] [<matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>, <matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>] [<matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>, <matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>] >>> plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6) .. image:: example_random_Voronoi_plot.png Now, calculate the surface areas of the Voronoi region polygons and verify that the reconstituted surface area is sensible: >>> import math >>> dictionary_voronoi_polygon_surface_areas = voronoi_instance.voronoi_region_surface_areas_spherical_surface() >>> theoretical_surface_area_unit_sphere = 4 * math.pi >>> reconstituted_surface_area_Voronoi_regions = sum(dictionary_voronoi_polygon_surface_areas.itervalues()) >>> percent_area_recovery = round((reconstituted_surface_area_Voronoi_regions / theoretical_surface_area_unit_sphere) * 100., 5) >>> print percent_area_recovery 97.87551 >>> #that seems reasonable for now For completeness, produce the Delaunay triangulation on the surface of the unit sphere for the same data set: >>> Delaunay_triangles = voronoi_instance.delaunay_triangulation_spherical_surface() >>> fig2 = plt.figure() >>> fig2.set_size_inches(2,2) >>> ax = fig2.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') >>> for triangle_coordinate_array in Delaunay_triangles: ... m = ax.plot(triangle_coordinate_array[...,0],triangle_coordinate_array[...,1],triangle_coordinate_array[...,2],c='r',alpha=0.1) ... connecting_array = np.delete(triangle_coordinate_array,1,0) ... n = ax.plot(connecting_array[...,0],connecting_array[...,1],connecting_array[...,2],c='r',alpha=0.1) >>> o = ax.scatter(random_coordinate_array[...,0],random_coordinate_array[...,1],random_coordinate_array[...,2],c='k',lw=0,s=0.9) >>> ax.set_xlim(-1,1);ax.set_ylim(-1,1);ax.set_zlim(-1,1); (-1, 1) (-1, 1) (-1, 1) >>> ax.set_xticks([-1,1]);ax.set_yticks([-1,1]);ax.set_zticks([-1,1]); #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>, <matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>] [<matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>, <matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>] [<matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>, <matplotlib.axis.XTick object at 0x...>] >>> plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6) .. image:: example_Delaunay.png ''' def __init__(self,points,sphere_radius=None,sphere_center_origin_offset_vector=None): if numpy.all(sphere_center_origin_offset_vector): self.original_point_array = points - sphere_center_origin_offset_vector #translate generator data such that sphere center is at origin else: self.original_point_array = points self.sphere_centroid = numpy.zeros((3,)) #already at origin, or has been moved to origin if not sphere_radius: self.estimated_sphere_radius = numpy.average(scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(self.original_point_array,self.sphere_centroid[numpy.newaxis,:])) else: self.estimated_sphere_radius = sphere_radius #if the radius of the sphere is known, it is pobably best to specify to avoid centroid bias in radius estimation, etc. self.hull_instance = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(self.original_point_array)
[docs] def delaunay_triangulation_spherical_surface(self): '''Delaunay tessellation of the points on the surface of the sphere. This is simply the 3D convex hull of the points. Returns a shape (N,3,3) array of points representing the vertices of the Delaunay triangulation on the sphere (i.e., N three-dimensional triangle vertex arrays).''' array_points_vertices_Delaunay_triangulation = produce_triangle_vertex_coordinate_array_Delaunay_sphere(self.hull_instance) return array_points_vertices_Delaunay_triangulation
[docs] def voronoi_region_vertices_spherical_surface(self): '''Returns a dictionary with the sorted (non-intersecting) polygon vertices for the Voronoi regions associated with each generator (original data point) index. A dictionary entry would be structured as follows: `{generator_index : array_polygon_vertices, ...}`.''' #print '---------------------' #print 'Producing Voronoi Diagram' #generate the array of Voronoi vertices: facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation = produce_triangle_vertex_coordinate_array_Delaunay_sphere(self.hull_instance) array_Voronoi_vertices = produce_array_Voronoi_vertices_on_sphere_surface(facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation,self.estimated_sphere_radius,self.sphere_centroid) #print 'array_Voronoi_vertices:', array_Voronoi_vertices #print 'array_Voronoi_vertices.shape:', array_Voronoi_vertices.shape assert facet_coordinate_array_Delaunay_triangulation.shape[0] == array_Voronoi_vertices.shape[0], "The number of Delaunay triangles should match the number of Voronoi vertices." #now, the tricky part--building up a useful Voronoi polygon data structure #new strategy--I already have the Voronoi vertices and the generators, so work based off a distance matrix between them distance_matrix_Voronoi_vertices_to_generators = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(array_Voronoi_vertices,self.original_point_array) #now, each row of the above distance array corresponds to a single Voronoi vertex, which each column of that row representing the distance to the respective generator point #if we iterate through each of the rows and determine the indices of the minimum distances, we obtain the indices of the generators for which that voronoi vertex is a polygon vertex generator_Voronoi_region_dictionary = {} #store the indices of the generators for which a given Voronoi vertex is also a polygon vertex for Voronoi_point_index, Voronoi_point_distance_array in enumerate(distance_matrix_Voronoi_vertices_to_generators): Voronoi_point_distance_array = numpy.around(Voronoi_point_distance_array,decimals=3) indices_of_generators_for_which_this_Voronoi_point_is_a_polygon_vertex = numpy.where(Voronoi_point_distance_array == Voronoi_point_distance_array.min())[0] #print 'Voronoi_point_index:', Voronoi_point_index #print '5 closest distances:', numpy.sort(Voronoi_point_distance_array)[0:5] assert indices_of_generators_for_which_this_Voronoi_point_is_a_polygon_vertex.size >= 3, "By definition, a Voronoi vertex must be equidistant to at least 3 generators, but in this case only got {num_gens} generators for Voronoi vertex at {coords}, which has 5 closest distances: {distances}.".format(num_gens=indices_of_generators_for_which_this_Voronoi_point_is_a_polygon_vertex.size,coords=array_Voronoi_vertices[Voronoi_point_index],distances=numpy.sort(Voronoi_point_distance_array)[0:5]) generator_Voronoi_region_dictionary[Voronoi_point_index] = indices_of_generators_for_which_this_Voronoi_point_is_a_polygon_vertex #so dictionary looks like 0: array(12,17,27), ... #now, go through the above dictionary and collect the Voronoi point indices forming the polygon for each generator index dictionary_Voronoi_point_indices_for_each_generator = {} for Voronoi_point_index, indices_of_generators_for_which_this_Voronoi_point_is_a_polygon_vertex in generator_Voronoi_region_dictionary.iteritems(): for generator_index in indices_of_generators_for_which_this_Voronoi_point_is_a_polygon_vertex: if generator_index in dictionary_Voronoi_point_indices_for_each_generator: list_Voronoi_indices = dictionary_Voronoi_point_indices_for_each_generator[generator_index] list_Voronoi_indices.append(Voronoi_point_index) dictionary_Voronoi_point_indices_for_each_generator[generator_index] = list_Voronoi_indices else: #initialize the list of Voronoi indices for that generator key dictionary_Voronoi_point_indices_for_each_generator[generator_index] = [Voronoi_point_index] #so this dictionary should have format: {generator_index: [list_of_Voronoi_indices_forming_polygon_vertices]} #now, I want to sort the polygon vertices in a consistent, non-intersecting fashion dictionary_sorted_Voronoi_point_coordinates_for_each_generator = {} for generator_index, list_unsorted_Voronoi_region_vertices in dictionary_Voronoi_point_indices_for_each_generator.iteritems(): current_array_Voronoi_vertices = array_Voronoi_vertices[list_unsorted_Voronoi_region_vertices] if current_array_Voronoi_vertices.shape[0] > 3: polygon_hull_object = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(current_array_Voronoi_vertices[...,:2]) #trying to project to 2D for edge ordering, and then restore to 3D after point_indices_ordered_vertex_array = polygon_hull_object.vertices current_array_Voronoi_vertices = current_array_Voronoi_vertices[point_indices_ordered_vertex_array] assert current_array_Voronoi_vertices.shape[0] >= 3, "All generators should be within Voronoi regions (polygons with at least 3 vertices)." dictionary_sorted_Voronoi_point_coordinates_for_each_generator[generator_index] = current_array_Voronoi_vertices return dictionary_sorted_Voronoi_point_coordinates_for_each_generator
[docs] def voronoi_region_surface_areas_spherical_surface(self): '''Returns a dictionary with the estimated surface areas of the Voronoi region polygons corresponding to each generator (original data point) index. Attempts to calculate the spherical surface area but falls back to a planar estimate if the spherical excess is <= 0. An example dictionary entry: `{generator_index : surface_area, ...}`.''' dictionary_sorted_Voronoi_point_coordinates_for_each_generator = self.voronoi_region_vertices_spherical_surface() dictionary_Voronoi_region_surface_areas_for_each_generator = {} for generator_index, Voronoi_polygon_sorted_vertex_array in dictionary_sorted_Voronoi_point_coordinates_for_each_generator.iteritems(): current_Voronoi_polygon_surface_area_on_sphere = calculate_surface_area_of_a_spherical_Voronoi_polygon(Voronoi_polygon_sorted_vertex_array,self.estimated_sphere_radius) assert current_Voronoi_polygon_surface_area_on_sphere > 0, "Obtained a surface area of zero for a Voronoi region." dictionary_Voronoi_region_surface_areas_for_each_generator[generator_index] = current_Voronoi_polygon_surface_area_on_sphere return dictionary_Voronoi_region_surface_areas_for_each_generator
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()